27 Şubat 2015 Cuma

The difficulty of being a woman

the difficulties of being a woman
Resource: kickofjoy.com
ello my dear readers. I apologize a lot from your. Because, anymore I can't often write new article. But I wrote today. It need to look by good, doesn't it? How many women have been difficultly? Let's see

      If you are born female, you often say "Oh my god!" Really, because there is a common hate towards women around the world. There are two sexes in nature but have a lot of differences between the sexes. Most of the sources of these differences are based on social norms. I think that being a woman is very difficult and there are two reasons for this.
women men difficult so hard
Resource: www.bro-blog.dk
      The first reason why being a female is difficult is that patriarchal social order dominated in the world. Patriarchal thought says; "Men are the head of the community!" These words establish gender hierarchy between men and women. That women are in the lower layers these discourses and indirectly order. Men are lucky in that when they maintain this order. Therefore, women in disadvantaged position continue to a list. Guarded gender hierarchy is also causing conflicts. In other words, created and protected patriarchy makes it difficult to be a woman.

another reason why
      Another reason is commodification of women's bodies as sexual objects. Men see as the superior gender themselves and they give priority to their sexual needs. Therefore femininity is equal to sexuality from the perspective of men. One of the other factor is necessity of proving masculinity. The masculinity road goes to the needs of the female body. Women have the right to reject but men also don't accept. So, this situation leads to prioritize murders and rapes. In other words, men's sexual desires complicate the lives of women.

Resource: stephanieinzambia.blogspot.com
      To summarize with mainly seen as exual object and patriarchal hierarchy has a negative impact on women's lives. But there are many more not mentioned difficulties. I can definitely say that it's not easy being a woman.
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4 yorum:

  1. hayatta çoğu zaman keşke erkek doğsaydım diyipte isyan ettiğim oldu kadınların sadece sex objesi , sex için gelinen durak olarak kabullenilmesi düşüncesel tahrikler içinde kadına bakılması ağrıma gidiyor
    kadınım özgürüm mutluyum huzurluyum ben de varım diyebilmek varken elbet bir gün sıkıntıyla karşılacağımı bilip düşünmek çileden çıkarıyor
    KADINLARIN META olarak görülmesini artık istemiyorummmm
    eline emeğine zamanına sağlık misscim :)
    Anacım ne bu yavv İngilizcen anlıyok çok iyi de ya ben gibi seviyesi yerlerde olan bir insan için gerçekten çok sıkıntılı yahu :)

  2. Yani bu Metin için translateden tabiki yardım aldım. Erkekler o kadar çirkin bir şekilde yetiştiriliyor ki, kadınlar ceremesini çekiyor. Bir de bu yaptıkları erkeklik göstergesi diye sunuluyor ya sinirlerim bozuluyor.

    şu anki durumlarımızdan kurtulmak istiyorsak tepkilerimizi hep bir ağızdan ortaya koymak Şart

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